FIRST WORLD farmers markets REPORT

Nel variegato mondo agroalimentare, il fenomeno dei Farmers Markets non rappresenta più una novità.  I ritmi di crescita dei mercati contadini sono davvero importanti. Secondo i dati del dipartimento di agricoltura degli Stati Uniti, negli ultimi 20 anni il numero dei Farmers Markets negli USA è passato dai 1.755 nel 1994 agli attuali 8.755, con un incremento di quasi il 400%. Il fatturato ha superato i 12 miliardi di dollari. In Italia operano 12 mila agricoltori organizzati nei circa 1.200 mercati di Campagna Amica, con un valore economica che si aggira sui 6 miliardi di €. Nel 2020, anno della pandemia, 20 milioni di consumatori hanno acquistato beni alimentari presso i Farmers Markets.

Il Rapporto, realizzato dal Centro Studi Divulga, analizza il fenomeno dei Farmers Markets in diversi paesi del Mondo, tracciando un quadro di riferimento di un modello sempre più in crescita.

This report provides precious infor- mation and analyses of the farmers markets, while presenting a superb opportunity to understand the incred- ible experience that has influenced the agri-food systems in many parts of the world. It reveals the experiences of smallholder family farm- ers in rural areas as well as the big urban companies, that step by step have become a wide spread phenome- non at a large scale, contributing but also changing the relation between producers and consumers. The first intuition was to go back to value the territo- ries with focus on the quality of not only the products but more importantly, the human relations. All these elements created trust and once again consol- idated the credibility and the reputation of the famers markets among the population/citizens. This is about social capital that doesn’t take the qual- ity of the products for granted, that cares about the stories of production, values the uniqueness of the lo- cal gastronomy as an alternative to homologation of the food industry that is why that every single Farmers Market is a unique and inimitable world of itself. As it has been highlighted many times, in markets, the citi- zens become co-producers and the result is not always evident for all. The Famers Markets are the squares of trust and their contribution to the economy is now very significant. In many countries having the possi- bility to directly sell the products is one of the main sources of income support to the farmers, fishermen and livestock producers. And this is how a so-called multifunctional agriculture could be achieved. Obviously there are still many problems to be solved and this report will help us to better understand some of the needs that should be addressed immediately in order to improve our current reality. Today this is our actual Challenge; how to strengthen and build on these valuable experiences? How to expand this initiative and to which areas? The information and the analyt- ical work that you will find in this excellent piece of work can definitely help responding to these question

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